Christmas Eve The Origins, Meaning and History of Dec. 24th . The specific date of December 25th has historical and religious signific...

50+ christmas eve history visuals 50+ christmas eve history visuals

50+ christmas eve history visuals

50+ christmas eve history visuals

Christmas Eve The Origins, Meaning and History of Dec. 24th. The specific date of December 25th has historical and religious significance. While the exact historical date of Jesus' birthis not known, December 25th was chosen by early Christian leaders to coincide with existing pagan festivals that were already celebrated around the winter solstice. By aligning the celebration. See more

Christmas Eve The Origins, Meaning and History of Dec. 24th
Christmas Eve The Origins, Meaning and History of Dec. 24th from

Western churches have traditionally observed Christmas Eve (properly the Vigil of the Nativity) as a liturgical observance distinct from the masses of Christmas Day, with the proper Gospel at the Mass for the Vigil of the Nativity being that of the Annunciation to Joseph in Matthew 1. The Vigil of the Nativity is not so much the first day of Christmas as it is the last day of Advent, and so it traditionally re…